Laws For Leaving Kids In The Car

Is It Legal To Leave Your Kids In The Car? Summer is here! The kids are out of school and routines have changed. Parents may now have to take their children with them while running errands such as going shopping or paying a bill. So, is it legal to leave your kids in the car? 33rd Street Bail Bonds wants to inform parents of the law and give them tips on keeping their kids safe. In Florida, the law states, […]

2019-05-28T11:25:08+00:00May 28th, 2019|33rd Street Bail Bonds|

Child Neglect, Endangerment

Summer is almost here! Children will be out of school and home for the summer. Make sure that your child will be supervised and taken care of during this summer break. 33rd Street Bail Bonds wants you to be aware of child neglect laws. What is child neglect? Child neglect occurs when “a caregiver fails to provide a child with the essential care, supervision, and services necessary to maintain the child’s physical and mental health, or fails to take reasonable […]

2019-05-10T18:02:54+00:00May 10th, 2019|33rd Street Bail Bonds|

Vaping In Schools

Is vaping in schools is becoming an epidemic? Both e-cigarettes and vaping are becoming more prevalent in schools. Across the state, there has been an increase in the use of vaping pens among students. These vaping devices have been found in high schools, middle schools, and even in some elementary schools. 33rd Street Bail Bonds wants parents to be aware of these devices and the danger they hold. According to the Florida Youth Tobacco survey from 2018 About 25% of […]

2019-04-30T18:51:19+00:00April 30th, 2019|33rd Street Bail Bonds|
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