Do You Have A Teen Driver or New Driver In the House?
Summer is here and many newly licensed teens are on the road. Trips to the mall, movies, beach, and theme parks are all destinations that younger drivers might be driving to this summer. 33rd Street Bail Bonds encourages parents to talk to their teens about driving safety.
This Orlando based bail bond agency offers these guidelines for parents to help keep teens safe while behind the wheel:
•Make sure there is open communication between you and your teen. Have your teen know your rules and expect them to follow them. Driving is a privilege and your teen should know that
•Make sure your teen knows that he/she and every passenger in the car needs to wear their seat belt including passengers in the back seat
•Limit the amount of passengers that your teen can drive. Studies have shown that the more passengers there are in the car then the more likely that your teen driver will become distracted (talking, singing to music, doing risky behaviors in order to impress their friends, speeding, etc.)
•Talk to your kids about speeding. It’s dangerous to speed so they need to be cautious especially with our Florida rainy weather. Encourage new drivers to slow down at night and in bad weather
•Don’t drink and drive. Make it a family rule that no one is allowed to drink alcohol and drive (not even a sip). Let them know that they can call you and you will come and get them without any repercussions.
•Don’t let them drive when they are tired or distracted. A day at the beach is fun but could result in a drowsy or exhausted driver
•Teach them not to text and drive. Also, teach them to not answer their phone or check their email while driving. Have them designate a passenger to do those things or to wait until they are not driving to respond to texts, calls, and emails.
Teen drivers are inexperienced and need practice to become safer drivers. Remember that your teens are watching you drive and learn by example. If you are texting while driving, talking on the phone while driving or distracted while driving your kids may follow your lead.
Distracted driving such as texting while driving caused more than 45,000 crashes in Florida last year. In fact, if you take 5 seconds off of the road to respond to a text, then if you were driving at 55mph you have now driven the length of a football field without looking at the road. This is highly dangerous!
Texting and driving contributes to or causes accidents. These accidents can kill you, your passengers, or an innocent person driving in their car or walking on the sidewalk. Your teen can be arrested and face various charges if his/her texting causes an accident.
If your teen is arrested and needs to be bailed out of jail, then please call 33rd Street Bail Bonds at 407-425-7200 or 407-425-3303 to start the bail bond process. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all year long. Our experienced bail bond agents will walk you step by step through the bail bond process. They will help you with the paperwork, answer your questions, and even call to remind you of upcoming court appearances.
Our Orlando based bail bond agency is the oldest and most trusted bail bond company in Central Florida. We serve all of Central Florida including Orange, Seminole, Osceola, Lake, and Volusia counties. Don’t go it alone, we are here to help. Please give us a call at 407-425-7200 or 407-425-3303 to start the bail bond process.