What you see on television and in the movies is not always real. With social media and technology advances in law enforcement you can run but you most likely can’t hide for too long before you hear “you have the right to remain silent”.
Sex trafficking rings and prostitution is a game you won’t win for too terribly long. If you choose to get involved be ready to pay the price and pay it dearly. As with most crimes, there are typically repercussions outside of your day-to-day, however, when you get involved in sex trafficking or prostitution the stakes are much higher.
In Florida, if you are arrested for human trafficking for commercial sex or labor services be prepared to face a first-degree felony with a minimum of spending 21 months in prison or a combination of 30 years imprisonment or 30 years’ probation. If you are arrested for prostitution you could face jail time, mandatory community service and/or educational programs and possibly a significantly longer prison sentence depending on the severity of your crime.
More importantly, when arrested for these types of crimes, a defendant’s opportunity to be employed in the future is severely affected. Once arrested for human trafficking or prostitution, defendants will have a criminal record that employers will have access to when doing a background check for employment. Even if you are a first-time offender, you will have a criminal record that can affect your ability to be hired.
Having a criminal record does set a stigma in society. Your friendships may change, those who were once close to you may distance themselves and people may no longer trust you.
If severing relations don’t bother you, your financial stability may. Think about this….employment challenges and housing issues may be a larger problem for you in the event you are arrested for human trafficking or prostitution. Certain industries will not hire defendants who have been arrested for either of these crimes. Particularly those careers where the job involves contact with children or young adults.
If you are a renter, did you know some landlords will not rent to individuals who have been arrested or convicted on prostitution charges? A landlord has every right to deny a person’s rental application. Background checks are legal and customary when signing a lease for housing.
There is a difference between human trafficking and prostitution. In the case of trafficking, this crime typically involves force, fraud or coercion to compel a person to commit commercial sexual acts. Prostitution refers to a consensual exchange of sex for money. Though it’s consensual, prostitution is still illegal.
Law enforcement is cracking down on these crimes all over Florida particularly in Central Florida. Officials are zeroing in on the sex rings and making large arrests. If caught, your face will be plastered all over the local news, you will be an instant “celebrity” whether you wanted the attention or not.
This type of “celebrity status” will come at a hefty price and will most likely be life damaging for anybody who is caught. If you find yourself or a friend or loved one involved in a human trafficking or prostitution ring there is hope. The National Human Trafficking Hotline (NHTH) offers free and confidential support. Call 1-888-373-7888 or email help@humantraffickinghotline.org for assistance. An online chat is also available by visiting humantraffickinghotline.org/chat. The NHTH is available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.
As a long-time bail agency in Central Florida, we have seen our fair share of defendant’s lives ruined thanks to an arrest. If you are currently questioning your involvement with certain people or activities, you may want to seek help before it’s too late. Being arrested in a law enforcement sting won’t end well for you.
33rd Street Bail Bonds is a long time licensed and insured bail bonds agency in the heart of Orlando. We bail defendants from several jails across Central Florida including the Orange County Jail in Orlando, the Seminole County Jail in Sanford, the Volusia County Jail in DeLand and the Lake County Jail in Tavares. We bond for drugs, drug trafficking, assault, battery, traffic violations, prostitution, human trafficking, child neglect, pornography and several other charges.
To learn more about the bail process and how bail bonds work, visit https://bailorlando.com/howdoesbailbondswork/
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year long including holidays. Contact our office at 407-425-3303 for fast bail.