A WORD from Joe…. Happy holidays to everyone.

I hope you all have a great Christmas and most importantly– be safe. This time of year brings out the best and sometimes the worst in people. There is just so much going on during the holidays and you have to remain diligent and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Situational awareness means to be aware of anything and everything that can happen in your specific situation. You can’t always avoid a problem but your awareness can certainly lessen the severity of the outcome. If Joe Von Waldner Bail Bonds can assist you or anyone you know with bail related questions, please don’t hesitate to call. We are here for you 24 hours a day.

So, it’s also the time of year for all of the end-of-year list stuff…..we get bombarded! We have best sports teams, best movies, best books, sexiest this or that, etc, etc, etc. A new list that I was made aware of is the list of “The Most Depressing Cities in the USA.” I’m not sure why we need this list but, yes, you guessed it. Florida cities ranked high or low ( a little anti-depressant humor) on this list. St. Pete is considered ground zero for depression. How could this be?? My beloved second city. Even Forbes magazine has its own “most miserable cities” ranking. St. Pete escaped this list but Orlando was 19 followed by Lakeland at 16 and Tampa at 10. Several other Florida cities ranked in the top 10. I mean, who comes up with this crap? How can Florida be that miserable? Has anyone from up north enjoyed a Florida Christmas at the beach. I, for one, love it here and I love our weather… Anyway, please be safe and enjoy your family and friends this holiday season.