Summer Time, Tweens, Teens and Drug Use

Summer is a time for your teens to take a break from the busy schedule of the school year. This time of year, brings more freedom, less structure, less adult supervision and more opportunity for teens to spend time with friends.

teenager and mom discussing alcohol and drugsWhile down time is great, it could also lead to trouble. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) collects data annually on the use of alcohol and drugs among those aged 12 or older. The results of these studies have shown that summer time is prime time for tweens and teens to start experimenting with these substances. According to the NSDUH, “key findings include that the first use of both alcohol and marijuana peaks in June and July.”

What are other contributing factors to substance misuse during the summer months?
• Your teens are facing peer pressure from others. Someone doing drugs or alcohol might encourage your teen to try it
• Your teen might be exposed to drugs or alcohol at an event such as a festival or concert
• Your teen has more freedom and wants to experiment
• Your teen could be traveling solo or with friends

While your teens might think that using alcohol or drugs is no big deal, let them know that it is. Their brains are not fully developed at this age which causes them to make poor decisions. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs can also result in tragedy. Your teen could injure or kill others or themselves while driving impaired. If your teen is drunk or high on drugs, injuries or drowning could occur while boating or swimming. Alcohol and drug use during their teens could lead your child to spiral into more hardcore drug use such as using ecstasy, cocaine, LSD or meth.
What can a parent do to help prevent their tween/teen from engaging in substance abuse?

Follow these tips:
• Keep an open line of communication. Make sure that your teens know the dangers of alcohol and drug use. Let them know that there will be consequences if they partake in this behavior
• Set rules
• Lock up alcohol that is in your home to limit access to it
• Know what your teens are doing and who they are doing it with
• Stay involved in their life
• Let them know that media makes drugs and alcohol use normalized. This is not reality
• Stay in touch with your teen with texts and phone calls
• Provide structure/opportunities such as summer camps, volunteer activities, sports. Help them find a job.
• Supervise your teen especially if other teens are at your home. Know your teens friends and make sure that there is an adult present if your teen is spending the night at another’s home
• They want to head to the beach? Chaperone the group, and promise them you won’t cramp their style by sitting a distance from them.
• Life 360 could be your best friend – get you and your kids on Life 360 so you know where they are going at all times

If your teen ends up behind bars and is facing charges and you need a bail bond agency, please call us at 407-425-3303. We have bonded clients out of jail for numerous charges including DUI, BUI, drug possession, assault, battery, and more. A bail bond agent is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all year long to provide assistance with the bail bond process.

All of our agents at 33rd Street Bail Bonds are experienced and knowledgeable. Our bail bond agency is family-owned and has been operating since 1971. We are Central Florida’s oldest bail bond agency. We are located minutes from the Orange County Jail in Orlando, Florida.

Whether you are in Orange, Seminole, Osceola, Lake, or Volusia County, we are here to help. Rely on our expertise to get you through any difficult time. Call today at 407-425-3303!