Street Racing – Know the Laws
What is Street Racing? Street racing is a form of auto racing on public roadwa [...]
What is Street Racing? Street racing is a form of auto racing on public roadwa [...]
Are your kids on social media? If so, you better listen up! As of January 1, 20 [...]
What you see on television and in the movies is not always real. With social me [...]
Pumpkins, witches, and ghosts all equal Halloween fun. That fun can include tri [...]
What Is Pre-Trial Release?Pre-trial release is also known as a PTR, is where a p [...]
Summer Time, Tweens, Teens and Drug Use Summer is a time for your teens to take [...]
April is tax season. While most of us dutifully file our taxes to the IRS with a [...]
The new year brought new laws. Prior to 2024, Governor Ron DeSantis requested t [...]
We are seeing domestic violence charges increasing... While we spend more time w [...]
Scammers are taking advantage of people during the pandemic. 33rd Street Bail Bo [...]